Tuesday, November 1, 2022

B&S Tweeted: A border collie gently guiding ducklings into a puddle

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B&S's avatar
A border collie gently guiding ducklings into a puddle
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Fascinating's avatar
A baby giraffe learning how to walk. Video by Aalborg Zoo.
Fascinating's Video
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Elon Musk's avatar
Elon Musk
Halloween with my Mom
Elon Musk's Photo
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Stephen King's avatar
Stephen King
Amen. twitter.com/JoyceCarolOate…
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Benjamin Dreyer's avatar
Benjamin Dreyer
How sad to read this. Julie was a longtime Twitter chitchatterer of mine, and I was always happy to see her pop up. Goodbye to her, far too soon.

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Alex Kantrowitz's avatar
Alex Kantrowitz
First tweet on Thursday. Resignation Friday.
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