Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Do You Expect From My Blog?

You have probably noticed that I have imported a poll on my page.  It's there for a reason! Answer!  This blog isn't for me to spill my heart out or tell you a whole bunch of useless information about myself that you wouldn't even care about.  This blog is what you want me to make of it.  But of course I'm going to have my own spin on it, that's just what I do.
I'm sure everyone reading this has had many moments in their life where they sit back & wonder about 'love','sex','life'&'relationships'
You may be thinking that this is only referring to 'boyfriend,Girlfriend' relationships but that isn't the case, everyone has different forms of relationships with others in their life;friendships,intimate,platonic,secretive,open, etc.
As for the sex, we all have it someway,sometime,somehow or another.  There is nothing to hide, its human.  This deals with any type of sexual activity, not just strictly straight forward 'sex'.  Everyone no matter what your age or gender may be, thinks about sex, tons of different questions, concerns, & ideas run through your mind.  Don't deny it!
& as for the Love & Life...I doubt I have to explain myself, by now you should realize I'm an open book, I will hardly ever not answer a question that I receive from a reader/follower.  No matter how personal it is, don't be scared to ask.  It can deal with ANYTHING, the possibilities are limitless!
So here we go!  Lets get started with some feedback!!!

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