Thursday, June 23, 2011

Facebook Taking Over?

Just about everyone of us have a facebook.  Cyber communications are all the rage now & days. Needless to say social networking is getting serious…seriously addicting. I myself have facebook connected straight to my blackberry & check it religiously every so often, but why do I check still if it doesn’t say I have any notifications? CURIOSITY.

Curiosity is what makes face book & other social networking sights addicting. Everyone like you & I, always want to know what is going on when, where, and with who. Things like who’s all going to the mall, who’s flirting with who, who’s talking shit about us or our friends, no sense in denying that we all enjoy keeping up with it. Its human nature to be curious & want to be aware of everything going on around us, face book just makes it that much easier.
Is posting our personal information & conversations for everyone to see really just an open invite to be violated? I mean really, what you say to someone or what they say to you is on the “news feed“; Want to know why they have a “news feed“? Because people are CURIOUS about everyone else’s lives.
Its human to look for negative in anything & everything, so is that why we ‘lurk’ other’s social networks? Especially the people we hate, envy, & mostly the ones we care about. Facebook is all open, of course were going to logon & instantly with a few clicks go look to see what other dudes or chicks they’re talking too. You don’t ever want to see it, but yet we look for it.
What ever happened to “Ignorance is bliss“? Oh, wait! I know! FACEBOOK!

We allow people to see what we think & say, giving them opportunity to harass us in different ways. We openly let everyone into our world through a small page that’s nothing but information on & about us. Why leave ourselves so vulnerable just for others entertainment along with our own..? I don’t know why I do it, but I do know I am an addict & I love it.

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