Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Maud Newton Tweeted: "Trump could appoint a successor during the congressional recess who... could take over, at least temporarily, without a confirmation vote."

Your Highlights
Maud Newton
"Trump could appoint a successor during the congressional recess who... could take over, at least temporarily, without a confirmation vote." twitter.com/nytimes/status…
Even on vacay, gotta call!! Especially today. I just called my rep to Save Healthcare in America -- you should too:
David Fahrenthold
In 1989, @realDonaldTrump apparently used a charity's money to pay his son's $7 registration fee for the Boy Scouts. washingtonpost.com/amphtml/politi…
Molly Lambert
my grandmother has left this planet but her spirit high jumps eternal
Jon Cooper
After brain surgery paid for by taxpayers,@SenJohnMcCain will vote to take away healthcare from 22 million Americans
Jillian Steinhauer
Health care rallies around the country on Saturday—let's do this. (h/t @maudnewton)
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