Saturday, November 19, 2011

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Thursday, June 23, 2011

Facebook Taking Over?

Just about everyone of us have a facebook.  Cyber communications are all the rage now & days. Needless to say social networking is getting serious…seriously addicting. I myself have facebook connected straight to my blackberry & check it religiously every so often, but why do I check still if it doesn’t say I have any notifications? CURIOSITY.

Curiosity is what makes face book & other social networking sights addicting. Everyone like you & I, always want to know what is going on when, where, and with who. Things like who’s all going to the mall, who’s flirting with who, who’s talking shit about us or our friends, no sense in denying that we all enjoy keeping up with it. Its human nature to be curious & want to be aware of everything going on around us, face book just makes it that much easier.
Is posting our personal information & conversations for everyone to see really just an open invite to be violated? I mean really, what you say to someone or what they say to you is on the “news feed“; Want to know why they have a “news feed“? Because people are CURIOUS about everyone else’s lives.
Its human to look for negative in anything & everything, so is that why we ‘lurk’ other’s social networks? Especially the people we hate, envy, & mostly the ones we care about. Facebook is all open, of course were going to logon & instantly with a few clicks go look to see what other dudes or chicks they’re talking too. You don’t ever want to see it, but yet we look for it.
What ever happened to “Ignorance is bliss“? Oh, wait! I know! FACEBOOK!

We allow people to see what we think & say, giving them opportunity to harass us in different ways. We openly let everyone into our world through a small page that’s nothing but information on & about us. Why leave ourselves so vulnerable just for others entertainment along with our own..? I don’t know why I do it, but I do know I am an addict & I love it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bullshit? Or Over Reacting?

Relationships...Currently in a newer one, about 2 months into it, yet Ive known him for about 6 months.  Hes a pretty good guy.  I mean, i cant be too picky, gotta take the good with the bad I guess.  Other wise I'd have a life virsion of the Ken barbie doll as a boyfriend...A girl can dream cant she? haha!
anyways! Back to the point!
Stupidity. How far can it go? Seriously, in a relationship you should do 50/50% effort, correct? ha, well.
here's where stupidity on his part becomes a problem, a big one... DRUNK DRIVING.  If you have done it, you are stupid, end of story.  Ywill end up killing yourself or someone else.  Exactly last night I had to jump a median between the road I was on, into the road that was being newly constructed on the other side, a man was in my lane coming straight at me, so it was my only option, but he ended up hitting the car behind me head on because they didn't have time to react, two adults & one of the two children died in that accident, the one kid that's alive I visited in the hospital today, he has brain trauma & may never be normal again.  But don't you guys worry because the drunk guy that did all this is completely fine & doesn't remember a thing.... This makes me just so upset... Today my boyfriend was talking about going to a party tonight and Isaid  "okay just don't drink & drive" & he replied with " I'll probably have too" you don't, its called spending the night people, so by this time I was furious.  I told him what I told you earlier about killing yourself or someone else.  He then had the balls to ask "are you mad at me" so I said "it doesn't even matter because your probably going to do it anyways no matter what my answer is to that question" & he went on explaining how he would Wait a couple hours & blahh blahh blahhhh. I told him " like I said, it wouldn't matter what I say" now this very second hes trying to do the whole guilt trip thing.. "babe, fine, I wont drink ill just sit there & watch everyone else have fun" ... NOT WORKING ON ME BUDDY! I told him "I don't care what you do"  of course I said that thinking he would ponder about it some more & then realize he was being dumbass, but I guess that's asking too much of this kid.  Before you all go thinking I'm a bitch, just realize I only get upset over this stuff because I care and don't want to see him get hurt or someone else...  What do you think, Is what he doing bullshit, or am I just over reacting?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Do You Expect From My Blog?

You have probably noticed that I have imported a poll on my page.  It's there for a reason! Answer!  This blog isn't for me to spill my heart out or tell you a whole bunch of useless information about myself that you wouldn't even care about.  This blog is what you want me to make of it.  But of course I'm going to have my own spin on it, that's just what I do.
I'm sure everyone reading this has had many moments in their life where they sit back & wonder about 'love','sex','life'&'relationships'
You may be thinking that this is only referring to 'boyfriend,Girlfriend' relationships but that isn't the case, everyone has different forms of relationships with others in their life;friendships,intimate,platonic,secretive,open, etc.
As for the sex, we all have it someway,sometime,somehow or another.  There is nothing to hide, its human.  This deals with any type of sexual activity, not just strictly straight forward 'sex'.  Everyone no matter what your age or gender may be, thinks about sex, tons of different questions, concerns, & ideas run through your mind.  Don't deny it!
& as for the Love & Life...I doubt I have to explain myself, by now you should realize I'm an open book, I will hardly ever not answer a question that I receive from a reader/follower.  No matter how personal it is, don't be scared to ask.  It can deal with ANYTHING, the possibilities are limitless!
So here we go!  Lets get started with some feedback!!!