Saturday, October 29, 2022

Danny Deraney Tweeted: Parenthood in 19 seconds. πŸŽ₯ Imgur

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Danny Deraney's avatar
Danny Deraney
Parenthood in 19 seconds.

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B&S's avatar
Beluga whale playing fetch near the north pole
B&S's Video
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Acyn's avatar
Obama: Let's do a thought experiment. Let's say you're at the airport and you see Mr. Walker and you say "There's Herschel Walker. Heiman winner. Let's have him fly the plane"
Acyn's Video
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GBH Archives's avatar
GBH Archives
Did you go to the drive-in theater? In 1960 there were 18 to chose from in the Boston area. By 1980 only seven remained.
GBH Archives's Video
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Stephen King's avatar
Stephen King
Not trying to be sexist or mean; it's just that the resemblance is remarkable. Possibly it's the makeup.
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Nandini Jammi's avatar
Nandini Jammi
Enjoying the hell out of @reckless' series of predictions (and sharpening my knives.)
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