Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Fascinating Tweeted: Birds are fed by their parents in their infancy...

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Susan Orlean's avatar
Fascinating's avatar
Birds are fed by their parents in their infancy. When the time comes to feed themselves, there can be some confusion when the food does not go into their mouth by itself.
Fascinating's Video
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Read Jackson Rising by @CooperationJXN's avatar
Read Jackson Rising by @CooperationJXN
Unskilled labor is a capitalist myth
Read Jackson Rising by @CooperationJXN's Video
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Qondi's avatar
Val Demings' closing statement starts with Marco Rubio mopping up his flop sweat and ends with the moderator laughing at him and the audience erupting in thunderous applause for her

I think we can all agree she won the debate
Qondi's Video
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Led By Donkeys's avatar
Led By Donkeys
A historic failure
Led By Donkeys's Video
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Matt Rogers 🎃's avatar
Matt Rogers 🎃
This is what every Democratic nominee everywhere should be asking their opponents every day, every time they have a chance.
Matt Rogers 🎃's Video
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Rep. Katie Porter's avatar
Rep. Katie Porter
Bigger corporate profits account for *over half* of the higher prices people are paying.
Rep. Katie Porter's Video
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