Saturday, May 13, 2023

Mike Drucker Tweeted: RT @MikeDrucker: So tired of hypocrisy in Holl...

Mike Drucker's avatar
Mike Drucker
RT @MikeDrucker: So tired of hypocrisy in Hollywood
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Cory Doctorow Red Team Blues's avatar
Cory Doctorow Red Team Blues
TWA Moonliner…
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John Scalzi's avatar
John Scalzi
When I was a film critic I had people tell me that they read my reviews and went to the films I *didn't* like, and my response was, excellent, my reviews are working great for you, you just calibrated off your own taste until they were useful, that's totally valid…
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GBH News's avatar
GBH News
Is the Boston City Council's internal split driven by race?

Not always, says @SWINTERSMITH — but often.

"If you're not interrogating that, I think you're missing a big part of the action."
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PublishersLunch's avatar
Buzz Books Fall/Winter Preview: Commercial Fiction
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Nicholas Kristof's avatar
Nicholas Kristof
RT @nytopinion: "One study found that 88% of water in 17 Western states was used by agriculture. Only 7% was consumed by homes," writes @Ni…
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