Sunday, May 7, 2023

Patton Oswalt Tweeted: Chicken Soup for the Soul

Patton Oswalt's avatar
Patton Oswalt
Chicken Soup for the Soul…
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Margaret E Atwood's avatar
Margaret E Atwood
RT @GMWatch: "You don't hear no birds singing. You don't see no eagles, no crows, seagulls flying around, any insect, nothing. It's sterile…
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Cory Doctorow Red Team Blues's avatar
Cory Doctorow Red Team Blues
RT @readtheplaque: @doctorow Thanks for the retweet, and welcome to Berkeley (…)!
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PublishersLunch's avatar
Distribution: Paperblanks and Chronicle
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NWS Boston's avatar
NWS Boston
[Sunday Forecast] Another day of gorgeous #Spring 😎 weather, with temperatures warming into the mid & upper 70s this afternoon. Morning sunshine ☀️ gives way to increasing afternoon clouds and then becoming overcast toward sunset. #MAwx #RIwx #CTwx
NWS Boston's Photo
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Mike Drucker's avatar
Mike Drucker
RT @serathegamble: WHY HAVE A TV WRITER ON SET?

Since they already wrote the script (and rewrote it 8 times, and tweaked it after the tab…
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