Thursday, February 14, 2019

sarahdessen liked Fred Guttenberg's Tweet: Exactly one year ago, to ...

Your Highlights
Fred Guttenberg
Exactly one year ago, to the minute at around 7am, I sent two kids to school. Only my son Jesse came home. Jaime was murdered in school. I am forever haunted by my memory of that morning, rushing my kids out the door rather than getting one last minute. Did I say I love you?
Barack Obama
In the year since their friends were killed, the students of Parkland refused to settle for the way things are and marched, organized, and pushed for the way things should be - helping pass meaningful new gun violence laws in states across the country. I'm proud of all of them.
Maud Newton
On this Valentine's Day I'm following up with the Dallas courthouse for more information about one of my grandfather's many marriages and divorces!
Husband is home and resting after dental surgery. Have a feeling he won't remember much. Also, only time he agrees to "rest" EVER is while sedated.
John Taylor Williams
How to preserve the #freedom of the #internet without letting the internet destroy #democracy. @Yascha_Mounk interviews Cory @doctorow !! Please #retweet !!
Join us for some "Crimson Days" themed duos action in Destiny 2 to celebrate Valentine's Day!

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