Sunday, February 3, 2019

sarahdessen Tweeted: This is SO lovely. And seeing George Michael si...

Your Highlights
This is SO lovely. And seeing George Michael singing along off the side gave me FEELS. How is he gone and Bowie, too?…
Maud Newton
Here at this restaurant in Forest Hills the owner, in conversation at the next table, is sure that Trump and not Obama is responsible for the "strong economy"…
Courtney Mitchell
Working in women's health, my life has been flooded with images of birth empowerment. Howling women with white knuckles pulled behind their knees warrior-womaning out their babies. But this is what my unempowering, dangerous, medical birth looked like after days. Fever. Weak. 1/
Courtney Mitchell
I had a bit of batter left over from chocolate and vanilla cupcake batches, so I made a marble cake. #sugarbutterflour #flour power #whatbakingcando #waitress
Catherynne Valente
We were gifted this as a hand me down and it has a zipper and feet so it's automatically superior to most baby clothes but no amount of space-time warping TARDIS children are ever going to make Bastian a little brother so I'm just gonna pretend this is a @doctorow reference.
Tommy DiDario
Snuck back to NJ yesterday for a few cuddles with my new nephew. 😍 #BabyJackson
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