Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Lauren Myracle Tweeted: *happy dance, happy dance* WE HIT THE NYTimes LIST! @SarahMlynowski @elockhart

Your Highlights
Lauren Myracle
*happy dance, happy dance* WE HIT THE NYTimes LIST! @SarahMlynowski @elockhart
Ouch! Thanks for watching it!…
Brendan Reichs
You know, we use the word "hero" a lot. But me facing down the flaming grease trap of my outdoor grill, armed only with an industrial-sized fire extinguisher, took GUTS. But no, though I appreciate it, you didn't have to call me a hero. I was there.…
Jon Lebkowsky
Excellent remembrance of John Perry Barlow @JPBarlow by @doctorow. I also spent some time with Barlow; he understood well that a storm was coming, and tried hard to batten the hatches. He was a lover and a fighter. We'll miss him more than we know.
Matthew Dowd
A guy with five military draft deferments wanting a military parade to honor himself, is a bit like Cruella De Vil wanting an award from the humane society for her treatment of Dalmatians.
Guardian Books
Swansong by Kerry Andrew review – a modern folk tale
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