Sunday, February 11, 2018

Maud Newton Tweeted: I’m slowly reading @aminattaforna’s “Happiness” on writing breaks, and it is wonderful. A fox is a major character. 🦊

Your Highlights
Maud Newton
I'm slowly reading @aminattaforna's "Happiness" on writing breaks, and it is wonderful. A fox is a major character. 🦊
Guardian Books
Karl Ove Knausgaard: 'Contemporary fiction is overrated'
Ted Lieu
This is a very disturbing article. If in fact Rob Porter's interim security clearance expired on Jan 15 and John Kelly continued to let him handle highly classified information, then Kelly must resign. Also, giving someone classified info who is not cleared to see it is a crime.…
Julie Barer
Love this profile of Madeline Miller and her forthcoming novel CIRCE in @PublishersWkly!
Gotta take a break from Twitter and refreshing the comments on the SLJ article because I have not fully reckoned with my own experiences as a victim and as someone who is complicit within the institutionalized misogyny of the book industry.
L Halse Anderson
Male allies - we appreciate & value yr support, but when we see predators mouthing the same sentiments or RTing #MeToo posts, we become even more wary. Help us by having hard conversations w your brothers & understanding why we are sometimes suspicious. Long road ahead.
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