Sunday, March 31, 2019

"Redacted Mueller report to be released to public by mid-April, AG s...

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Masque of the Red Death Tweeted: Raeford Fabric, 1967

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Masque of the Red Death
Raeford Fabric, 1967…
Joe Hill
#NOS4A2 is out June 2nd, right after FEAR THE WALKING DEAD. The full fang-gnashing trailer is here:
RT @openargs: We have a fun upcoming conversation with @lessig that circles around these themes. ("You have underestimated the Dark Lord"…
TikTok was found to be not following privacy rules.

And then, in the process of trying to comply with them, made a series of mistakes that cost people access to their videos.
The Millions
When writers burn their own manuscripts, they are destroying their own words. Cathartic, but also a bit sadistic. Burning is a slow, ritualistic death.
John Scalzi
Fun fact: One of these folks may currently be heard narrating words I wrote on #LoveDeathandRobots.
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