Monday, March 4, 2019

Guardian Books Tweeted: Tips, links and suggestions: what are you re...

Your Highlights
Guardian Books
Tips, links and suggestions: what are you reading this week?
Heather & Jessica
I wrote a little bit about Dylan McKay.
Boing Boing
"Amazon killed Seattle homelessness relief tax by threatening not to move into a massive new building, then they canceled the move anyway," writes Cory @doctorow.…
Robert Macfarlane
Word of the day: "library" - a treasure-house of books, a sanctuary for study. "Library" comes from the Latin "liber" meaning both "book" & "bark", from the early use of tree-bark as a writing material. As the word's roots tell us, libraries are story-forests, wildwoods of words.
Tim Maughan
'Maughan conducts a masterclass in the thrill and contradictions of counterculture, the uses and abuses of networks, the ways that capitalism can bend and flex to adapt, until, suddenly, it breaks. This is a stunning debut' - @doctorow
The EU is starting a full on war on general purpose computing. A proposed law will make it impossible to install custom software on WiFi routers, smartphones and embedded devices!
This is insane. The hearing ends today. Please give your feedback: @doctorow
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