Friday, March 22, 2019

No to #Article13 #saveyourinternet Retweeted Sammy Younan -28-'s Twe...

Your Highlights
Sammy Younan -28-
Yo @doctorow thanks for your time and also for your #Radicalized ideas.

We ah...look like hosts of a hastily arranged (and not at all test marketed) Bravo tv show: he's Creative and he's Commons...together they're Creative Commons!

So not getting a second season...
Harlan Coben
Stay thirsty, my friend.
Nikola Danaylov
Last night we had a fantastic session with our very own #activist and #scifi author Cory @doctorow at the @torontolibrary about his latest book #Radicalized
Dark Dragon
Thank you @doctorow for all your stories and for fighting the good fight! It is people like you that make projects like @tomeshnet possible.
Rainbow Rowell
Everyone stand very still and be very quiet.…
Laila Lalami
The Guardian's @HadleyFreeman profiled me for the paper. "Lalami is a small woman with a big laugh." In my head, I'm 6 feet tall, but reality stubbornly insists I'm 5'3!
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