Wednesday, March 6, 2019

sarahdessen liked Dave Quinn's Tweet: This shot of Gayle King and R....

Your Highlights
Dave Quinn
This shot of Gayle King and R. Kelly is one of the most powerful photos I've ever seen. Her composure. His rage. It speaks so loudly on so many levels.
Morning Benny
Laura Zigman
It's been four years. She really should still be here. Some days it feels like she is. @AdamsLisa
Paul Bronks
He is the wind. He stalks his prey like the wolf and delivers swift, cold justice.
Have reached the point in lead-up to book coming out where I am OBSESSIVELY organizing every drawer/shelf in my house. Really into putting things in bins, then bins inside drawers right now. #amfreakingout
J. Marshall Freeman
Ooh, can't wait to see @doctorow in a couple of weeks!
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