Monday, December 18, 2017

Courtney Mitchell Tweeted: Many people know I lost my dad a few years ago, but they don’t know how. At his packed funeral, most did not know. It took me years, but I wrote about it, and why Christmas matters so much:

Your Highlights
Courtney Mitchell
Many people know I lost my dad a few years ago, but they don't know how. At his packed funeral, most did not know. It took me years, but I wrote about it, and why Christmas matters so much:
Ted Lieu
Tomorrow Congress will vote on a tax bill written by Republicans that will explode the deficit but personally enrich--in very large monetary amounts--certain wealthy Republican Members of the House & Senate. Does this pass the smell test?…
This. Good is still there. We have to believe.…
Chris Murphy
The GOP tax plan gives tax breaks to millionaires, guts the Affordable Care Act and now it also makes to easier for companies to move jobs overseas.
Guardian Books
Collusion by Luke Harding review – did Russia help Trump become US president?
Maud Newton
Partly frozen pond #Queens
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