Sunday, December 17, 2017

Guardian Books Tweeted: Beneath Another Sky by Norman Davies – review

Your Highlights
Guardian Books
Beneath Another Sky by Norman Davies – review
Maud Newton
Nearly anyone who uses a mobile device for work business has to agree to terms that allow extensive employer monitoring -- that's why I have a separate phone for my other job. And government employees most of all.
Is there anything @TimFederle CAN'T do???…
David Sirota
It appears the hashtag #corkerkickback is starting to trend. Here's the story at the heart of it — please retweet to spread the story. Doesn't matter if you love or hate the tax bill — this is information that needs to be out there.
Walter Shaub
I don't know whether to be startled by a govt official using an official account to call a citizen names, amused he thinks OGE & OSC are the same agency, flattered I'm in the head of a guy OSC told to stop violating the Hatch Act, or worried by his contempt for the rule of law.…
Alexander Chee
Crippling depression the last few weeks has lifted after organizing my office.
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