Thursday, January 11, 2018

Susan Orlean Tweeted: My mom's recipe box. Remembrance of things past. Perfection.

Your Highlights
Susan Orlean
My mom's recipe box. Remembrance of things past. Perfection.
13! I love this book so much!!!…
Guardian Books
Gorbachev: His Life and Times by William Taubman review – the mysteries remain
Christina Wilkie
Trump employs more immigrant workers from Haiti at Mar-A-Lago than from anywhere else, save for Romania.
So Haitians are not good enough, Trump thinks, to become Americans. But they're still good enough to mow Trump's golf courses.
laura olin
A new wave of female political activism:

"Young women are more likely than young men to report one or more kinds of political activity over the past 12 months, and the differences are significant in virtually every category."
Moira Donegan
In October, I made a google document. My life has been strange and sometimes frightening ever since. I wrote about it for @TheCut.
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